The everyday adventures of a dog living in a chaotic world

The everyday adventures of a pirate living in a chaotic world

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Therapy dog

The past 2 months I've been in training. For what you ask? Well, to be a therapy dog. You see I love people ALL people. I've never met a stranger. Mom knew that I would love to meet new people and I would love to cuddle and give all my love to people who needed. Mom also knew I had a few, let's say obstacles, to over come that she needed help with. She found this great class at Positively Canine.  We went every week and it became the highlight of my week! I learned how to deal with being separated and how to great people w/o jumping up. I also learned the best way to great a dog (my hardest obstacle).  We worked and worked and worked on everything!  And finally the time came! Test time that is! I took the CGC (Canine Good Citizen) and the TDI (Therapy Dog International) this past Sunday.  I was one of the first dogs that took the test. Mom was a little nervous she saw that I was super excited and didn't know if I could contain myself. I proved her wrong though! I was (mostly) a perfect gentle man! We got the results of the CGC right away and Mom said I passed that with flying colors!  We had to wait a day before we knew the results of the therapy dog, but I wasn't nervous about that. Mom got the news that I had passed the TDI test! So now I am a certified Therapy Dog! I can go places and meet new people and give them love! Mom is looking into a place that needs a therapy dog for children!

So now that you know what I've been working on the last couple of months, I will tell you about today. Today was my first visit as an official therapy dog! I went to visit the nice people of Sterling House! There were a lot of people there to see me! Oh yeah, and Callisto; she is a friend of mine from puppy play days and our moms both lived in the same dorms when they started college. But anyways, back to today. The workers had gathered everyone who wanted to see us and brought them into a room close to the front door. We went in and greeted everyone in there! Mom was a little worried that I would jump up on everyone, but I did my best and only jump a couple of times (when I just couldn't contain myself)! There were two people there that I absolutely loved! They wouldn't stop petting me! I was in heaven! We were there for about 20 minutes but that wasn't enough time! I can't wait to go other places (or back to the same place)!

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