The everyday adventures of a dog living in a chaotic world

The everyday adventures of a pirate living in a chaotic world

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Something called Thanksgiving

Today I went on the adventure of a life time! Mom was so worried about me chewing my staples out that she let me go with her to some strangers house.  I was just excited that I got to go somewhere that the others didn't.  It turned out to be a crazy and exciting time.

We left early in the morning! I mean I just woke up and ate breakfast when I was thrown in the car, but it wasn't long before we had to turn the car around and head back to the house. At that point I was so confused! Seriously we just left! It turns out that g-ma left something important at the house. I don't know what that important because obviously I was already in the car! What's more important than me?  Anyways, we headed out on the open road. I was thinking that this would be a nice short ride, like when I go to g-ma's house, but no I was completely wrong! We drove and we drove and we drove. At one point I thought we were there but I was wrong, we were just behind some slow moving car. I did, however, get the best nap EVER! I had the whole back seat to myself and I was able to stretch out and get comfy!

After an eternity we finally arrived to the strange house.  I'm still not sure whose house it was exactly because mom never told me, but this house was nice and full of people to pet me! There was also a room full of delicious smells, but mom never let me spend time in there. She kept yelling at me and telling me to get out. I mean how rude is that!?  There was also two other pups there but no matter how much I tried to get them to play with me all they did was growl and bite at me!  They were not very friendly and very rude! But there were plenty of people there that would pet me and lavish me with attention and soon the number of people doubled! I got really excited when my uncle and aunt came into the house! I was not expecting them at all! I kept trying to ask them where my cousin was but they got distracted so I went searching for her, but they didn't bring her! I was so sad. I've missed her so much. It's been months since I saw her last and she's like my best friend! She's the only one that I will allow to think they beat me up (really I can take her out I just let her win so she doesn't feel bad).  After everyone came into the house and said hello to me, they did the strangest thing! They all stood in a giant circle and held hands. I tried to ask everyone what was going on, but everyone had there eyes shut and was ignoring me.  After they came to there senses they all loaded up plates with delicious smelling food. I was hoping mom would fix me a plate but instead she forced me to lay next to her and watch her eat. However, she did give me some turkey once everyone left the room. Oh crap I wasn't suppose to tell! Well to late! Please don't let her know that I told!  Anyways after all the food was put up, all the people lay down and fell asleep! Mom saw that I wasn't tired yet, so she did something really special for me. She took me on a nice walk! There was a park down the street that we walked to and I saw millions of geese and ducks.  There were also a bunch of little kids there too! When we got back everyone was still asleep, so I gave in and took a nap. After awhile everyone started to pack their things up and leave. I was worried that mom would leave me there because she kept walking out of the house with boxes of things and she wasn't taking me with her, so I sneaked out but she caught me and made me come in.  However, she did not!  Soon we were back on the road! I was able to get another nap in and before I knew it we were back home! Mom told me that we were at what's called thanksgiving. I'm still not sure what that is but I LOVE it! I want to do it again tomorrow! (well maybe the next day) 

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I am so impressed at how well you write, Pirate! Your mom never told me how educated you are! I'm glad you enjoyed Thanksgiving :) I'll refrain from breaking the news to you that Thanksgiving only comes once a year. Uh-oh! I guess you know now!
